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Birthdate: 10/28/1967



Blood type:A

Endorsement: Pearl Drums , Sabian Cymbals


Born and raised most of his childhood in Vienna Austria, he learned playing the piano at age 9 and the trumpet at age 11. After moving to Tokyo at age 14, he started to take lessons in drums and got his first drum kit when he was age 15. During his high school years at the German School in Tokyo he was playing drums in the high school Jazz band and also in many different Rock, Blues and Fusion bands. His first paid gig was when he was age 16. After graduating high school, he moved to Boston to study Jazz at the Berklee College of Music. In 1993 after graduating from Berklee, he moved back to Tokyo to start a career as a musician. The following years he has been writing music for his own Bands and working as a studio/session drummer for indies and major artists. In 1999 he had his first big major offer to play with Misia and the same year he also went on tour with Suzuki Masayuki. For many following years he has been busy touring with major artists such as Sakura, Nuu, Crystal Kay, Soul’d Out, AI, Ozaki Ami, Superfly, Nakagawa Akinori, Beni as well as doing many different recording session. In 2010 he was asked to play drums with one of Japanese biggest rock star Yazawa Eikichi and also in 2013 with one of Japanese biggest R&B singer Kubota Toshinobu. Now that he has established a career as a drummer he is also working hard to be more recognized as a song writer, composer and producer.

ウイーン、オーストリアで生まれ育ち、9歳からピアノ、11歳からトランペットを習い、14歳に東京に住みうつり、15歳からドラムを学ぶ。東京ドイツ学園ではハイスクールを卒業するまで、学校のジャズバンドや、いろんなロック、ブルーズ、フュージョンバンドでドラムを演奏する。16歳で初めてドラムで仕事をする。1988年 ボストンのバークリー音楽大学でジャッズを勉強し、1993卒業後東京に戻り、プロのミュージシャンとしての活動を始める。最初は作曲もしながら自分のバンド、インディーズバンドやアーティストと活動 、1999年にMISIAと演奏する。その同じ年に鈴木雅之ツアーに参加。以降いろいろなメジャーアーティストと仕事することになる。Sakura、Nuu、Crystal Kay、Soul’Out、AI、尾崎亜美、Superfly、中川晃徳、Beni などとツアーに出ながら、いろいろなレコーディングセッションもこなす。2010年に矢沢永吉バンドでドラムをたたき、2013年には久保田利伸のツアーに参加する。彼は今、ドラマーとしてだけじゃなく、作曲やプロディユース活動にも力をいれている。


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